Friday, April 24, 2009

Does your cat have a mustache? Does it remind you of me??

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Police Shooting

Just watch them in order.. it'll make more sense.

This is why I do not like cops.
I've never met or had a personal experience with a "good" cop. I do know that there has got to be some good cops out there that signed onto the force with good intentions and with a pure heart. Its just that with great power over people comes great corruption. 

Here's some more fodder:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lost in Love

You will never think about me like that again
You will never dream about me like that again
You will never look at me like that again
You will never hold me like that again
You will never kiss me like that again
You will never talk to me like that again

You will never love me like that again.