Missy (my little sister) and Kevin Naegele (Taylor's ex). Obviously I always miss my little baby sister... But Kevin, I havent seen in almost a year it seems. He's like the big brother I never had.

Alyssa Rodriguez --> my Hawaiian hottie and good friend since 2006. I was also her bridesmaid last September :)

My two BFFs in college --> Jessica Lewis and Angel Garcia. We had so many crazy times together. They made college feel like home and one big adventure at the same time. Miss you guys. :)

Bethany Fortner. I got my big side tattoo the day we stopped talking. Losing her was far more painful though. :/ I wish we could be friends again. Bygones are bygones and everything is just water under the bridge in my eyes.

My crazy awesome "smarty pants" friend. She's off being a T.A. at Queens College in Belfast, Ireland. I miss her though! She literally has dibs on being godmother for my first offspring (or two). And I have dibs on hers.

Scotty Boy :)

My lovely crazy spontaneous twin friend from Oregon -- Sarah Jane Scroggins. I miss her so badly. I wish she lived right next door to me. :( We didn't just share a middle name, we had so much more in common.

California friend -- David Woo. Just an all around cool guy. :)

2 of my 4 adorable little California cousins -- Edward and Olivia Jane :)

Travis Vallence -- Artist friend for about 2 years (i think). The first time I ever met him, I woke up to grab a glass of water in the middle of the night and he was looking through my parent's spice cupboard.

Kauk, Comrade Bailey, me, and Andrew the Pimp. Yea... they made high school badass. :)

Julie Burns and her buck, Chris Hudson. --- Hippy friends for years

Andy Walters --- BFF circa 2001

Crystal Vargas --- Bridesmaid Buddies
awww Tora, I'm lovin this post. You've gotta just open up communication with any old friends that you've lost touch with...it works wonders.
I came across you thru following Scott..that pic of u two is way cute :)
Your twin friend is in Oregon? Whereabouts? I love Portland and would like to live there someday.
Hey poopface! I miss you too! a LOT! ummmm... when are you going to come see me over here? We will have fun. It will be great. that was not a very good picture of us. Love you!
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