Friday, October 17, 2008

Books I love.

Sarah Dessen is a pretty amazing writer. Its not terribly deep.. but if you're looking for a nice summer book that isn't all fluff and sunshine, then these are pretty good picks. Keeping The Moon has to be my favorite.
Bradley Hathaway is just... so awesome. I got the chance to see him perform in Del Mar, California and it was such a pure experience. He is so open and just honestly himself. And I like that it really shows through his poetry.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower.. wow. this book is amazing. Its too bad my boyfriend has it at his place. I haven't seen it in about a year. Oh well.. at least I know its safe. haha 

The Principles of Uncertainty is THE coolest picture book i've ever seen. I need to buy myself a copy. The copy I used to have, I gave away to my friend Scott for his 23rd birthday. I just hope he appreciates it.

I've actually just started reading this one.. Very interesting. I'm really digging his style and imagery. I've been thinking about posting some favorite excerpts on here.

I have other books I like.. I just can't think of them right now.

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