As far as colors go, white walls are a perfect expression of the freshness and crispness you want to feel upon entering a kitchen. Just add white earthenware dishes, an antique china set or two (or you can use one at a time and switch them out seasonally), some mismatched teacup & saucer sets (I have a growing collection of these), vintage hand towels, weathered wood spoons, natural lighting, and an ever present bottle of cabernet sauvignon and BAM! You have yourself a kitchen that feels like home. Here's some of my favorite kitchens I've found on design blogs such as Design*Sponge.

All thus

Think less about getting married and more about being independent. Things will work out better that way.
Tora, I really like these kitchens because they feel "retro" and "homey"...I much prefer them over the modern stainless steel and granite kitchens that are popular today. I always like kitchens to be bright and airy, too...I love cooking and baking so I like a happy atmosphere. Oh, and gotta have music playing, too :)
I never said anything about getting married first.
But don't pretend to have a fuqing clue as to what would "work out" in my life.
And thanks W.A.J. :)
My current kitchen has dark wood cabinets and dark flecked granite. Oy veh!
I can only bake in there when I have music. :)
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