Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and stared at yourself, saying your name over and over again until none of it seemed real? You're name, who you are, what you were doing there in the first place. Its all foreign and you don't belong to any of it. Then you're suddenly scared as if you've lost something you should have never been playing with... You feel alone and frightened that you don't belong there. At all. And then you're worried that you don't belong anywhere. You're a nobody. Nothing. A John Doe. Your heart races and you can't breathe. White noise fills your ears until reason takes over and calms you down. Reassuring you that you're somebody that belongs somewhere. It was silly to think that you didn't have a name. At that point, you might feel nervous or even embarrassed as you look away, but you're still left with that lingering thought that just one little word could mean so very much to you....
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